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Sunday, July 12, 2009

繫黃絲帶 抗議司法操弄

為抗議扁案等司法案件審判不公,發起之「堅持公平審判,全民捍衛人權─全民繫綁黃絲帶」活動,活動時間、地點 如下,敬請大家踴躍參加:





若有無法到現場者,歡迎7/11()上午10:00 ~ 12:00 到本會舉辦之【人權與抵抗權系列演講】現場(台北市南京東路二段1254)索取。



The ex-President of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bien (A-bien), has been jailed for more than 200 days by the court of the KMT regime -- a case of severe political persecution monitored by the incumbent president, that Mr. Ma !

Starting tomorrow (Sunday, 7/12/2009), let us all tie a yellow ribbon, not only in Taiwan, but also in the Taiwanese communities around the world!

Let us pray for A-bien; let us pray for all the people who have been wrongly detained and persecuted by the KMT's courts in Taiwan!

However, without any action, the prayer for a fair and righteous judicial system under the Ma's KMT regime would be a waste of time! Let us pray instead, that the people in Taiwan will wake up and take action to protect their own freedom!

Let us pray that, starting tomorrow, people in Taiwan will hold mass-demonstrations and demand a fair and just judicial system!

Let us pray that Taiwanese people will understand that the unfair, evil judicial system is just an aspect of the dictatorship of Ma, and the only way to have a fair and decent judicial system in Taiwan is to bring down first, somehow, the dictatorship of Ma!

Let us pray that very soon Taiwanese people will walk hand-in-hand to the streets and shout:

" Free A-bien, Free Taiwanese!"

Let us pray that very soon Taiwanese people will understand that a fair and just judicial system is only possible when Taiwanese people establish their own nation!

Let us pray that every Taiwanese knows that if they don't take action and fight now, very soon Taiwan will be sold out to China by that Mr. Ma.

Let us pray that every Taiwanese knows that the massacre in East Tur kestan (07/05/2009) will repeat in Taiwan when Taiwan gets annexed by China.

Let us pray for Taiwan and also let us pray for East Turkestan!

Let us pray that very soon the "Taiwan Republic Movement" (台灣建國運動) will become a grass-roots fashion and a passionate trend in Taiwan.

Let us pray that very soon every Taiwanese loves to sing "Taiwan is where I was born" (台灣是生咱e所在) and
"My Country of the Ocean"(海洋e國家) at home, in the church and in every corner of the streets.

Let us pray that very soon Taiwanese people will walk hand-in-hand to the streets and demand the building of their own nation: the Taiwan Republic! Let us pray that very soon the chanting of "台灣 -- 建國! 建國! 建國! 建國! " will thunder and resonate in every corner of the island!

Let us pray for the independence and the freedom of Taiwan!
Let us pray that very soon Taiwanese people will stride over obstacles and establish their own nation: The Taiwan Republic!

台灣 -- 建國! 建國! 建國! 建國!
Taiwanese Must Fight! Godspeed!

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